Monday, August 24, 2015

Pennies From Heaven

During a reading I am always focused on channeling spirit for the client, however recently when the table got turned on me, it was quite a pleasant surprise.

My client, a young woman, and I were discussing recent foretelling dreams she was having that were coming true. She was having a hard time letting her guard down enough to accept the fact that she had a connection to the other side. 

Her guides were trying to tell her to embrace her psychic gifts, and as I was in the middle of a sentence, she jumped out of her seat and let out a bloodcurdling scream.

"There was a man behind you! He had such black hair, he was tall and kind of big!" 

At once I knew who it was! 

My grandfather, Patrick, passed away in 2010 at the age of 93. Those who knew him often remarked at what a head of jet black hair he had in his younger days. He was a tad "round" as well. 

Little did my client know, that I always talk to him as I bless the house for readings. That particular day I saw some pennies as I was cleaning. I smiled because he used to collect them for me when I was little.

"Oh how nice!" I exclaimed "You saw my grandpa!" 

She looked visibly shaken. She stared at me as if it was the craziest thing that had ever happened to her. 

"See?" I said "I told you your guides are saying you can channel Spirit!" 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Supermarket Psychic

Infant and chocolate chip muffin ingredients in my grocery cart, I quickly scanned the checkout lines to "tune in" to which one would get me out of the place the quickest. I was on a time line, fifteen minutes past my five month old's feeding and although she was looking like a sleeping angel, I knew the child was a ticking time bomb. 

As I surveyed the scene scanning various energy combinations of each line configuration I distinctly heard a voice of a man telling me to turn around and find his daughter. As I did just that, there she was, head in the freezer contemplating which bag of frozen peas to go with. 

I walked over to her, hoping her father would help her not see me as insane. 

"Hi! I don't mean to make you nervous but I am a medium and I get messages from time to time when I'm out and about that I can't ignore."

She looked up at me, saw my "mom at the grocery store" look and decided she didn't have to run away. She said hello and I continued.

"Well," I said, "is your father in Spirit?" 

Her eyes welled up with tears and I put my hand on her wrist.

"He literally told me to walk over to you and say that he loves you."

At this she smiled, telling me how pushy he could be. 

"He is sorry you didn't say get to say goodbye but he went quickly."

At this moment I started getting major chest pains and I couldn't breathe. 

"He had a heart attack, and it happened quick." 

She nodded through tears and my pain went away. I felt him long to speak to his son, and I saw a new baby that he was holding. 

"You have a brother and he is about to have his first child?" She confirmed this with a teary smile. "Your dad is around you all, and I am told you just started a job. I feel like you work with children." 

She told me she just got her first teaching job at a pre school. We talked for a while longer at which point I remembered I had to get out of there before baby Abby woke up. 

We said good bye and as I turned around I saw that all the lines were clear. 

Shouting out a silent "thank you!" to her dad in Spirit I booked it out of there just in time.

Finished product... So good. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Numerology is Easier Than Common Core Math!

Its back to school time, and if you can (kind of) figure out Common Core Math with your kids, figuring out your some basic Numerology will be cake!

Numerology is concerned with the significance of numbers in our lives. There are so many ways to use it and apply it, but let us start with your Personal Year.

Ever see one of those shirts that reads...

Today isn’t one of those days. If you want to figure out your personal year, you will have to do some basic math. It’s not fun, and I won’t pretend it will be.

However, when you do figure out your personal year, it tells you a lot about what life cycle you are in.  This is useful if you want to see where you came from, where you’re headed next and how to make the most out of your present moment.

According to Numerology, we have a 9 year cycle we repeat over and over. Your Personal Year Number will end up being 1 -9.

This formula is for the year 2015. You get the number of any year by adding all the digits separately - 2+0+1+5=8

So get out your #2 pencil and let’s do this. 

To figure out where you are right now, take your Sun Number (Fancy Numerology term for your birth month and date added, then reduced to a single digit), then add 8 (for the year 2015), and reduce the sum to a final single digit. For instance, if your Sun Number is 1, add 8 to that and you are in a 9 Personal Year. If your Sun Number is 7, add 8 to that and you get 15, then reduce that further to a single digit and you are in a 6 Personal Year (because 15 = 1 + 5 = 6). Your personal year number must be a number 1-9.

Yeah, I know.

Here are some examples: My birthday is April 8th. So that would be 4 (month number) + 8. That equals 12, but I have to reduce it to a single digit. So I take the 12 and make it 1+2. That equals 3. Then I add 8 (that is the number we add because we are in 2015,next year will be different). 8+3=11. But wait! I need to reduce 11 to a single digit. 1+1= 2. My personal year is 2!

May 3rd.
Personal year number is 7.

Here is one more –

September 22nd.
9+22 = 31.
1+2= 3.
Personal year number is 3.

You GOT this!

So once you figure out your personal year, the meanings are as follows:

A personal year 1 in numerology means: Planting Seeds, Rebirth, and New Beginnings
This being the start of a fresh 9 year cycle, you may find that priorities and stress from the past ten years don’t upset you or seem to matter. You may have found that goals and what you find important in life have changed completely. Failures from the past fade away, and regrets aren’t present in your life at this time. All the energy you put into this year will set the scene for the next decade. You must figure out what you want and how to get there. You may even find yourself with fresh physical and emotional energy.

A personal year 2 means: Nurturing, Development, Waiting for the Right Moment
The changes you started in year one begins to take form now. Any goals, ideas or repetitive thoughts you set your mind to in year one, will now start to grow into realities. This is a waiting time. It’s important that you take this time to clear up your own personal issues that may hinder your progress down your new path. It is time to connect with people who are like-minded as well. This year is filled with many hurdles and things to overcome both personally and in your environment. These seem like obstacles, but actually are formative exercises from the universe that will advance you on your path.

A personal year 3 means: Blossoming, Expansion, Personal and Business Success
This year shows you all your hard work beginning to pay off. You see your ideas coming to fruition and abundance follows you in all areas of your life. You have really great energy this year, and people are very attracted to it. There is a carefree and euphoric feeling often felt during Year 3. There are so many places to go and ways to grow; it might actually be a bit overwhelming at times. It is often hard in this year not to bite off more than you can chew.

A personal year 4 means: Maintenance, Work, Self Control and Responsibility
This year is about putting your nose to the grindstone. It’s all about hard work, and keeping up with the projects you have taken on in Year 3. This year can be a tough year, as obligations are plenty. This is a year that may seem slow and tedious, but it’s a year that is spent toward building a foundation on which your goals will be able to grow over the next few years.

A personal year 5 means: Independence, Freedom, and Connecting to Others
In year 5, the hard work of the past year pays off. You are able to take time for yourself and a break from your routines. The restrictions of Year 4 are gone, and you will find more opportunity for travel. This is also an excellent time for furthering your education if it’s needed. This is a time where new employment, business ventures and friends can be sought out. Moving is common during this time. After all your hard work last year, during Year 5 you may feel like your slacking a bit on responsibility.

A personal year 6 means Finding a Soul Mate, Love, Family and Home
Love is a focal point of this year. Committing stronger to the relationship you are in or finding a deep emotional connection is easier due to your intensive feelings. Many people get married or engaged this year. This time is all about making commitments, or breaking them. There may be a need to spend more time with family or friends. Usually during this cycle, you meet someone who will become a lifelong friend.

A personal year 7 is for Reflection, Learning, and Self Analysis
This is a year where you feel the need to be alone. At this time you feel the need to pursue your interests. Travel feels right at this time. Pressures from work and unhealthy places are avoided. This is a cocooning stage, where reflection and healing happen. It’s a good time to release yourself from any relationships that are toxic, and hinder your spiritual growth. Self improvement is key at this time, many find themselves in therapy, seeking higher education or getting quality of life surgical operations.

A personal year 8 is time for Health, Wealth and Abundance
Year 8 is a money year. Material wealth and career are easier to achieve during this time. Buying a home or starting a business happens at this time. People around you will see you as charismatic now. If making money is a focus for you, it will start to come. You will find yourself in a place of authority during this time.

A personal year 9 means: Death, Taking Personal Inventory, The End of an Era
This year is about closure. You may find this to be an uncomfortable year, as you find yourself staring at the past decade and reflecting over what you have and have not accomplished. There might be an intense need for change, but not understanding what you want different. You may find that old interests no longer satisfy you, and are replaced with new goals and desires. It is important in this year to practice letting go of the past, as deep seeded personal issues may manifest into actual real life situations. Karma hits people big in this year.

Having problems figuring out your Personal Year Number? Comment below with your birth date and I will help you out. 

Friday, August 7, 2015

When Spirit Interrupts House Cleaning...

Two cats and two kids equal the vilest accumulation of dust, hair and general miscellaneous grossness on a carpet. One day, motivated by the sheer nastiness of it all, I put myself “in the zone” and attacked the bedroom carpet with major zeal.

I heard the phone ring, but I just knew if I turned the vacuum off, there it would stay, plugged in and standing in the middle of my bedroom for all of eternity. So I kept at it and let voicemail take it.

All a sudden, the electricity turns off.

                                                                  Not creepy at all.... 

“Ugh” I sigh. I walk into the hallway. Predictably, as I switch the lights on and off in every other room, they work just fine. I immediately sense a very heavy presence.  “Hello?” I say out loud. A “son” energy comes in strong, and I smell coffee.

“Okay, I hear you!” I say into the darkness of my room as I pick up the voice mail. It was a woman, a little older sounding, calling from Brooklyn to schedule a phone reading. I quick call her back and let her know that her son is indeed here and can’t wait to talk to her. This wasn’t even surprising to her, and she tells me how he was always a persistent person in life. We laugh a little about it, and I tell her how sweet it is that he didn’t want his mother to wait for this conversation any longer. We make the reading for the very next day. I know her son will be hanging out with me until then.

As I hang up the phone I hear the vacuum roar to life.