Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Supermarket Psychic

Infant and chocolate chip muffin ingredients in my grocery cart, I quickly scanned the checkout lines to "tune in" to which one would get me out of the place the quickest. I was on a time line, fifteen minutes past my five month old's feeding and although she was looking like a sleeping angel, I knew the child was a ticking time bomb. 

As I surveyed the scene scanning various energy combinations of each line configuration I distinctly heard a voice of a man telling me to turn around and find his daughter. As I did just that, there she was, head in the freezer contemplating which bag of frozen peas to go with. 

I walked over to her, hoping her father would help her not see me as insane. 

"Hi! I don't mean to make you nervous but I am a medium and I get messages from time to time when I'm out and about that I can't ignore."

She looked up at me, saw my "mom at the grocery store" look and decided she didn't have to run away. She said hello and I continued.

"Well," I said, "is your father in Spirit?" 

Her eyes welled up with tears and I put my hand on her wrist.

"He literally told me to walk over to you and say that he loves you."

At this she smiled, telling me how pushy he could be. 

"He is sorry you didn't say get to say goodbye but he went quickly."

At this moment I started getting major chest pains and I couldn't breathe. 

"He had a heart attack, and it happened quick." 

She nodded through tears and my pain went away. I felt him long to speak to his son, and I saw a new baby that he was holding. 

"You have a brother and he is about to have his first child?" She confirmed this with a teary smile. "Your dad is around you all, and I am told you just started a job. I feel like you work with children." 

She told me she just got her first teaching job at a pre school. We talked for a while longer at which point I remembered I had to get out of there before baby Abby woke up. 

We said good bye and as I turned around I saw that all the lines were clear. 

Shouting out a silent "thank you!" to her dad in Spirit I booked it out of there just in time.

Finished product... So good. 

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