Friday, August 7, 2015

When Spirit Interrupts House Cleaning...

Two cats and two kids equal the vilest accumulation of dust, hair and general miscellaneous grossness on a carpet. One day, motivated by the sheer nastiness of it all, I put myself “in the zone” and attacked the bedroom carpet with major zeal.

I heard the phone ring, but I just knew if I turned the vacuum off, there it would stay, plugged in and standing in the middle of my bedroom for all of eternity. So I kept at it and let voicemail take it.

All a sudden, the electricity turns off.

                                                                  Not creepy at all.... 

“Ugh” I sigh. I walk into the hallway. Predictably, as I switch the lights on and off in every other room, they work just fine. I immediately sense a very heavy presence.  “Hello?” I say out loud. A “son” energy comes in strong, and I smell coffee.

“Okay, I hear you!” I say into the darkness of my room as I pick up the voice mail. It was a woman, a little older sounding, calling from Brooklyn to schedule a phone reading. I quick call her back and let her know that her son is indeed here and can’t wait to talk to her. This wasn’t even surprising to her, and she tells me how he was always a persistent person in life. We laugh a little about it, and I tell her how sweet it is that he didn’t want his mother to wait for this conversation any longer. We make the reading for the very next day. I know her son will be hanging out with me until then.

As I hang up the phone I hear the vacuum roar to life. 

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